Hey everyone! I know that I do not do many posts, but I do want tot hank those of you that continue to read. I have not really been doing that much besides getting my class ready for all those little Kinders. It is crazy to think that in just a short couple of weeks we will be in the full swing of things.
As I said in my last blog, my room is all thing Alabama. Roll Tide Roll!!!!
Today I spent some time creating my little tides a name badge so they, or the people helping out, can easily put in their lunch numbers. Yes, I am totally freaking about lunchtime. In second grade it wasn't that big of a deal. Well look out kindergarten!!
Their name will obviously replace my own. If anyone would like some of these I can email it out to you very easily. Or if a lot of people want it I can add it to my TPT store for free.
I also created a cover for the little guys Leadership Binders. Our school is in our third year of The Leader in Me and we are really going to push these binders this year. Given in kindergarten there will not be much data, but it will be something that they can show visitors. There will be some progress stuff in the back. Our principal graciously bought each student a binder, agenda, folder, and page protectors. Yay for Title 1!!!
So now that those things are done I can start to work on getting the first week plans, materials, and such together. Unfortunately I do not have my class list yet, they hold that til the day before. How many of you have gotten your class lists yet?
Enjoy the rest of your summer and I will get in another ROLL TIDE!!!

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